Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Little Things

This will be a short one as I am in the midst of finals week right now, but I do have to update on three funny things that happened today!
1.       I was having lunch with some friends at a restaurant that we call “the red place”. I’m not exactly sure what it is actually called but they have some killer empanadas. Anyway after lunch we walked by the pet store next door and my friend Elizabeth (Beeza) suggested we check for puppies in the window. My friend Erika pointed out the only pet in the window and said, “All they have is a guinea pig in there…” I looked down at the ball of fur and immediately knew that it was NO guinea pig! I rushed inside and look who I found…
I started to tear up, missing Hootie and Margeaux!
ahhhh, I want to take you home!!

Is that not the cutest Shih Tzu puppy you have EVER seen? The Links are suckers for Shih Tzu’s and I think Mom and Dad are maybe actually thinking about letting me bring him/her home. They could’ve been joking but they asked me to find our gender and price tomorrow! DEFINITELY paying that puppy another visit!
2.       At the Hogar de Los Niños today the boys were begging Brian, another American volunteer from my program to teach them curse words. He kept saying “no, no, nooo” and finally agreed to give them the dirt and teach them a few palabras malas. They asked how to say “puta” (the b word) in English and without hesitation Brian responded “nice lady”. Then they asked him how to say “I want to have sex with you” (but in more vulgar terms that need not be repeated). Brian responded again without even the slightest smirk, “bake cookies”.  Now I would like for you to imagine the teenage boys that I work with asking me to drop the beat with my limited beat boxing skills and proceeding to rap “Nice woman, bake cookies. NICE WOMAN, BAKE COOKIES!” over and over again thinking they were dropping some intense cuss words. I could not contain myself. It was one of the high lights of my trip so far without a doubt. 
Photo cred: Pedro, photographer extraordinaire, age 11. We're working on how to use the zoom!
3. I found the extreme couponers of Buenos Aires in Burger King today! Check out that stash of coupons! Thought Mom, Mary Grey, and Ms. Linda would appreciate this!

Ok, back to other forms of procrastination,
Love, love, loveee,

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