Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Shout of all Shout Outs

As I sit here in my empty room, my bags packed and ready to go home, all of the things that I LOVE and am going to miss about this place are running through my mind. I have been extremely blessed during my time in Buenos Aires to have made some REALLY solid friendships. Friendships that I pray will be continued when we return to the states. I’ve alluded to the fact that Buenos Aires has been hard on me at times over the past six weeks in other blog posts and these people had a huge part in lifting my spirits and encouraging me each step of the way.
SO, this blog post is the Shout Out of All Shout Outs to my new friends who made Buenos Aires feel like home.
Most Outstanding Study Buddy: Delaney Geraghty
Delaney and I met day one after arriving in Buenos Aires and it just so happened that we were in the same Literature class. This only happened because Delaney asked her interviewer during our placement interviews not to place her in the most advanced level (which she WOULD have been in, without a doubt…) but hey, I lucked out because of it. Delaney is incredibly intelligent and is studying bilingual education in Chicago. She is a fiery red head and though I’m sure she’d prefer I not toot her horn for her, I just have to. I don’t know what I would have done without her in Latin American literature. I would read a story, look up EVERY word I didn’t know and think that I understood the concepts and then she would clear everything up and explain all the metaphors and deep meanings the next morning on the bus ride to school. She is QUICKLY approaching fluency and an extremely talented Spanish speaker who is going to take bilingual education by storm!    
Most likely to LIVE life to the fullest: Gordie “Goooordon” Watt
Gordie Watt goes hard. I don’t just mean that in terms of partying…although that too. But really, Gordie LOVES living and I could tell it from the moment I met him and I think that’s why I was drawn to him. He doesn’t like to sit around and do nothing; this entire experience abroad in Buenos Aires was a true adventure for him. He learned the city well in our mere 6 weeks here and feeds off of the energy of the BIG city. His energy is contagious; I loved spending time with him because his happy go lucky and ready for a good time attitude always rubbed off on me. I think that Bibi would say that Gordie “vibra” for life, meaning he has a deep passion for living and it was so evident and encouraging to me.  

The one who IS ready for the real world: Janet Mohoney
The most mature of our group was definitely Janet. It could be because she just graduated from Madison University in Wisconsin or because she is just one of those people who really have it all together, all the time! She always carried around her guide book and knew exactly where the best places to go were and how to get us there. It also reeeally helped that she is FLUENT in Spanish already and had no problem sorting out any misunderstanding with her perfect Spanish speaking skills. She helped me buy a phone, knitted me a hat, and carried around her sophisticated professional camera, all very grown up things to do. But seriously, Janet and I enjoyed a few deep talks and MANY little adventures and I am really grateful for having met her. I’m not sure where her life path will lead her but with a determination and maturity like hers she IS ready to take on the WORLD.

Most likely to give you the shirt off his back: Mark Montez Flenoury begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting
I could say SO many good things about this guy. Aside from him being one of the funniest people I have ever met he is also one of the most genuine. I cannot count the number of times that he offered on of us his coat, went out of his way to be helpful, or cheered us up with his infectious sense of humor.  In moments he would provide comic relief during tense times and comic relief during not so tense times. Our group has SO many inside jokes generated by the ongoing hilarious scenarios that he and Kenny acted out for us on a daily basis. Montez has a heart for people and he really does want to see change in this world. He loves to work with kids and his heart breaks from the homeless. No matter what he chooses to do with his last two years at UGA, he IS going to make a difference. With a heart as big as his and a willingness to give, Mark Montez Flenoury is the type of person that we need more of in our world.

The Gentleman: Kenny “KLew” Lewis
Kenny was ALWAYS looking out for the crew. His number one priority was keeping us safe…and having a gooood time. He documented ALL of our adventures with his flipcam (“What up world, this is KLew…”) and I’m sure that MTV is going to be dying for that documentary someday. But really, when we needed him to, his Jefe instincts kicked into gear and he got us to where we needed to be. He always made sure that we got home after one of those long Argentinian nights, opened doors for the ladies, and never relented in dishing out encouraging compliments. He was ready to take on any guy who tried to take it past the cat calls with us girls and I am incredibly grateful for that. I can tell that he has been brought up so well and that he really respects all people. He loves family and is a genuine and true friend. He was definitely a huge part of the glue that held our Buenos Aires family together.
Kenny and Montez are the dynamic duo in my mind. They are both students at the University of Georgia and are best friends and roommates. They play off of each other jokes, keep spirits up, and are really two of the most genuine young men I have ever met. I am really blessed to have met them.
Most likely to be your friend: Erika Jefferson
Erika “EhhReeKah” Jefferson is a great friend. I am really fortunate to have spent a lot of my time here in Buenos Aires exploring ferias, snacking on Coca Light and Choco Churros, and getting a piercing with a friend like Erika. She is a friend to all and was always making new friends within our big IFSA group! She LOVES to laugh; her runner up superlative would DEFINITELY be Best laugh. She throws her head back and bursts with laugher that explodes from every parts of her body. It is one of those really contagious and affirming laughs. Erika always had a big part in getting the group together and working out times and places to meet up so that we could all spend time together. Her friend at Purdue are super blessed to have her, as I am sure they know and I really hope that our friendship will continue beyond our Argentine Adventure.

The True Blue Tough One: Sefe “la jefe” Emokpae
Sefe is a tough girl. Here in Buenos Aires she got her wisdom teeth pulled (eeeek) AND she almost got robbed face to face on the subte. She demanded her wallet back and the guy dropped it…I’m telling you,she does NOT play. Despite those incidences she is STILL in love with the big city. Underneath her tough outer shell though, is one of the softest hearts and truest friends I have ever met. In Mendoza this past week, my wallet and passport was stolen (blog about that coming soon…) but after that happened, Sefe spent hours with me at the Mendoza police department making a statement and went straight to the US Embassy with me when we got back to BA and spent hours with me there too, being my support as a got a new passport. The whole time she encouraged me that I would get home on time and I kept thinking “wowww I am SO blessed to have met this girl.” She is fun, loves to laugh…at everything, she doesn’t let the little things get to her, and she honestly is a true friend. Lucky for me, we both go to UNC, so I KNOW that I will be spending lots of time with her this upcoming year and I cannot wait!

Whew! I definitely shed a couple tears writing this post. Shout out to the fact that I am the MOST long winded person on the earth. But seriously...Friends, THANK YOU for adding an infinite amount of fun to this adventure…I am confident that the adventure does not end here.
Peace and BLESSings,

Monday, July 4, 2011

Nifty things with Newspaper!

This is just a quick little crafty post because I was inspired by some other artsy blogs that I follow this afternoon!

This past Friday I went to buy a little gift for one of the boys that I worked with at the Hogar de los niños because he, Nahuel turned 14 on Saturday! I got some artist sketch paper, colored pencils, and markers that have a different color on both ends! I got a little over excited and bought some things for a project that I will finish before I leave B.A....which I will share more about later.

ANYWAY, as I walked home I realized I didn't have wrapping paper and reluctant to spend money on a whole roll and too scared to ask Bibi for some, I decided to buy the newspaper and use the sports section to wrap Nahuel's birthday presents! I had seen a gift that a good friend of mine Anna Chambless wrapped at Christmas with newspaper and LOVED I just decided to use her idea and use the Diario.

I got home and when Bibi saw what I was doing she kept saying how strange I usual. But this time, I told her to wait and see and that I bet she'd love the final product...


Bibi did love it and I was SO pumped, and it is SUPER easy to do! 
Anyway, just thought I'd share...I'm really off to Mendoza now! :)
Happy 4th,

This is the day... Psalm 118:24

Today has been a GREAT day.
Do you ever have those days when you just feel like everything is better and everything is right? Today has been that day for me and it is only 4:00 right now! I have struggled this past week or so…really struggled with being content here. I keep thinking about the warm weather, sandy beaches, and southern hospitality that I am missing back home as the days get colder and darker here in Buenos Aires.  But today was different! It was as if I had put on rose colored glasses and the world around me had become a little bit lovelier. When I stepped outside of my apartment, it felt like an October day in chapel hill and the sky was bluer than I have seen it my whole time here. I rode the subte from near Junín, where I live over to the IFSA office to turn in my final literature paper…getting that six page load of analysis in Spanish off my hands could have made my day in and of itself. Afterward, I decided to walk the 20 blocks home and this is the first song that came on my ipod.
Perfect, huh?
A Beautiful World- Tim Myers
“It’s a beautiful world I see, everything looks differently…these moments are changing me.”
 Today, the cat calls from creepy young and old men alike did not faze me…I actually laughed and said “¡Gracias!” to one of the men who stood staring and saying “que Hermosa esa…” while we waited for the light to turn green.  The taxi that nearly knocked me over while I crossed the street as he turned right on red couldn’t bring me down either. 

I was beaming. I seriously couldn’t help it. I walked and gazed at the fantastic old arquitecture that lines the big city streets.

I felt so proud as I walked around, that I could get home without fumbling over my words to ask for directions. I stopped in at the kioskos and chatted with the street vendors with whom I have become a regular over the past five weeks. I ran errands for Bibi and bought myself some celebratory Argentinian helado (ice cream). Perhaps I have finally fallen in love with the city…ehh, maybe not fully in love…but still today was a day that I needed. If anything can change my heart for this city it is God, reminding me once again that this city is HIS and that today just like every day is a day made by Him and for worshipping Him for His creation! AND as if today could get any better, I am leaving for MENDOZA tonight on a bus—the land of mountainous landscapes and wineries! WAHOO! I hope to blog about our adventures there ASAP!
I hope your 4th of July is SUPER blessed, may we never forget that our God made today, and every day!
Praying that today is YOUR day too,
P.S. I am obsessed with this picture that I snapped secretly the other afternoon from the front of the subte…shout out to the sweeeet camera that my man Mark Ham gave me! :)